Business process modelling is performed via Business Process(BP) Diagram .
In the previous versions such diagrams were called as TCD diagrams.
The diagram may contain the following elements :
Task Represents a "piece of work" (according to Webster’s dictionary)
The distinguishing feature of a task is an assumption that the task receives certain inputs ("input events") and produces certain outputs ("output events"). There are 2 types of tasks :
  • ordinary (transformation) tasks
  • branching (decision) tasks
Besides it's name and informal description, a task can contain a number of formal attributes :
  • triggering condition - logical expression from incoming events
  • performers - one or more elements from the ORG diagram
  • duration
  • user defined attributes
  • type
Event Represents "a thing that happens or takes place" (according to Webster's dictionary).
There are three cathegories of events :
  • messages
Represents information or material transfer
  • timer
Appears at certain time moments
  • control flow
Signals the completion of previous task

Message events can be associated with data types which characterize the data carried by these events.
Timer events are associated with the sets of time moments when these events occur.
Precise definitions of events are given in the Event table.
Data store Represents persistent store of information or materials.
Data store can be associated with an ER model, which is defined in ER diagram.
Data object Represents temporary store of information or materials

This diagram represents a simplified version of an order processing subprocess in a trading company. An order received from a customer is passed to the Initial Review performed by the Clerical Staff. If the order is incomplete it is returned to the customer. If the order is complete it is forwarded to further processing. After the order has been registered the customer's credit is checked. If the customer's credit is good, the order is filled and the ordered products together with the Invoice are sent to the customer. At the same time the Invoice is sent also to the Finance Department.

Now a production type example. A customer sends a purchase order (message Customer Order) for a certain number of circuit boards (field No of Boards of Customer Order). The Supervisor organizes the production and sends this message to the Operator. The Operator takes boards from the Boards store and forwards them to the Robot. One by one, the Robot takes 100 chips (parts of type A) from the Parts A store and assembles them on the board. Afterwards the Board is tested by the Test Unit. If a defect is discovered, then the Operator repairs the circuit board.

Convenient structuring and refinement possibilities for BP diagrams are also provided.

GRADE Modeler supports building BP diagramms, including automatic layout of elements and links.
User can select one of the possible BP diagram layouts :

Layout transformation is performed by the tool automatically.

Finally, there is a possibility to attach cliparts to most symbols. To do this, you are required to have Windows metafiles clipart libraries, which come with some Windows applications, can be created, or purchased separately from one of many clipart vendors.